Salsa Mahem, San Jose Style...
Downtown,San Jose, CA......last Saturday:
Crazy city jazz celebration featuring 7 stages of jazz and various street activities. If searching for me you would have found a very happy girl spinning and jiving in the streets in front of a stage dedicated to salsa rythms. Boldly introduced myself to others which led to new friends, Mexican food at Victoria's Taqueria, sore feet, dancing at the trendy Temple bar later in the evening requesting more salsa of a live band in a red-lighted corner... Worked on my cha cha with Li, Chinese fellow with fun moves, one in a nice line of gentleman dance partners.. and chatted it up with the lovely and exciting Anat from Israel who shares a passion for the music and Spanish language.
Nice end to a week of personal Birthday celebration... which coincidently will continue into a Wednesday night of grooving at the tri-level club Agenda downtown and into this weekend at a great party held at new Indian friend Amit's place in Santa Clara followed by, yes you've guessed it, more salsa dancing at a fantastic (or so I'm told) live-music club in San Francisco. Here's to hoping that the feet hold out.
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